A Letter from John Inzeo, Vice President, Wisconsin Mortgage Corporation
It’s time for the Triple Crown — three annual horse races that showcase the best of the best at the Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes and Belmont Stakes. These annual spring events remind me that buyers are finding themselves in a horse race to find that dream house. With multiple buyers on many transactions, the process is very similar to the preparation and strategy we see at these races.
Picture all the potential buyers of a property being loaded into the starting gate: the prize house is at the finish line and the first one there gets the prize. As the gates open all buyers begin to race towards that same finish line. Here is my “Best Advice” to the buyers who want to win the race.
First, be prepared — horse races are won through careful preparation. Home buyers today need to take the time to prepare for the race in advance. Even experienced second- or third-time buyers need to be prepared. Famous horse Secretariat won the Triple Crown in 1973 by being prepared each and every time. Much like a great trainer and jockey, your Shorewest Agent is the best source for thorough preparation. All aspects of the home purchase (see our infographic for a great outline) are coordinated by your Shorewest real estate professional. As Wisconsin’s Largest Home Seller™, we know how to get the job done.
A critical step in the preparation for race day is getting a Thoroughbred Preapproval. Knowing your financing is in order before racing to get your house makes an offer to purchase much more appealing to a seller at the finish line. When those gates open, you can focus on the prize house and not worry about whether or not you will qualify for the financing. We work hand in hand with our Shorewest real estate agents to deliver a complete package of services to buyers who are preparing for race day.
My last advice might be the most important — don’t be late to the race. Getting into the market early will ensure that you can find the home of your dreams. Interest rates remain low, and we expect homes to sell quickly, especially with lower inventory levels. You don’t want to run the race only to find that there is no prize in the end. Be prepared, get into the starting gate, and Shorewest and Wisconsin Mortgage will help you win the race!
Tags: Q2, Quarterly Newsletter
Categories: Mortgage, Quarterly Newsletter
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